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Our Gotland Rams - new EBV´s & ranking

Gotland Sheep from Sweden

We have just recieved the results for our rams in the twice yearly ranking based on EBV´s.

The ranking list shows all rams older than 1 year with at least 30 lambs that have some minimum values for both body conformation / growth rate / wool quality traits.

Mean index in the population of all registered Gotlands in Sweden / Denmark is set as 100 for any given trait. Index above 110 or higher is shown by the top-10% of the populations individuals and index above 130 is shown by the top-1% rams.

We are happy to see that our efforts to raise dual-purpose Gotlands with high genetic merit for body conformation, growth rate and wool quality have been successful.

This year 4 of our adult rams appear in the top.

Nors Futuro has now climbed to become one of the best rams when it comes to wool quality. He is ranked No 8 out of all rams in Sweden for wool & peltquality traits.

Futuro was sire of some of the highest ranked ram lambs in Sweden 2016,

Nors Futuro - Gotland Sheep born 2015

Frozen semen is available for the breeding season 2017.

We also have limited number of straws for the Nordic countries, suitable for cervical AI.

Our best rams born in our own flock - Ervalla Ztarke & Ervalla Grey Fifty-Five are among the top-10 for traits related to growth rate, fertility, wool colour quality and lamb birth weight. This was the first generation of Lambs were we really could implement our aim on dual-purpose Gotlands. Both rams are sires of several generations of Lambs, many off-spring have been kept as breeders.

Ervalla Ztarke - Gotland Sheep

Frozen semen available from Ervalla Ztarke breeding season 2017. This rams genetics has been exported to several countries, including U.S.A, Norway, United Kingdom and New Zealand.

No semen is available from Grey 55, but we look forward to next year when his daughters will give us next generations lambs, sired by Nors Futuro.

Last but not least - our super -sire, Sindarve Blå defended his position as one of the best Gotland rams ever. Not only does hhe give us good wool genetics bringing a curly nice fleece to his lambs. He is also still ranked as top-3 (earlier top-1 and top-2) for body conformation traits among all rams in Sweden / Denmark.

We have consequently selected his best daughters for the future and we now have a flock of ewes that can compete with the 20 best flocks in the Nordic countries..

Blå will always have a special place in our hearts, he was first to meet you at the gate in the mornings, friendly and such a beuatiful animal. He is also the ram that made our Dream come true - to bring Gotland Sheep genetics to breeders in other countries. His genetics is now exported to many countries on 3 continents.

Frozen semen available for the breeding season 2017.

(Sorry, all straws for USA are SOLD OUT)

Sindarve Blå - Gotland Sheep from Sweden

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