Learn how to make Scandinavian Skinnfells
(traditional sheepskin coverlets)
Join us for this 2-day class in Florence, Montana.
When: Sat-Sun November 9th-10th 8am – 4 pm
Where: Kalaya Farms, Florence, MT
Instructor: Anette Skoog D.V.M, Skinnfell / Fiber artist & Gotland Sheep Breeder.
Student´s will learn all basic skills needed to complete their own skinnfell from start to finish. We work with tanned, washable sheepskins of your choice.
Class topics:
Basic stitches and seams for hand-sewing
Sheepskins – quality & selection
12-step method for making skinnfells – theory & practice
Participants should bring their own thimble(s), quilt ruler (24”x6”) and a notebook.
Class / Registration fee: $150
Materials fee: $ 390 (incl. 2 Gotland Sheepskins) or $ 190 (incl 2 white, black or brown sheepskins).
Material for making a 2-sheepskin coverlet
Student´s have access to textile dye, wood blocks for printing during class hours.
Lunch Sat-Sun, Dinner Saturday evening, Breakfast Sunday. Complimentary snacks, drinks and coffee will be available.
Registration on-line: https://www.skoogssheepandcattle.com/registration
Registration fee: $150
Registration dead-line: October 15th
Late registration: Oct 15th-22nd $170

Lodging is available at Kalaya Farms, please contact Robyn West: robynwest30@gmail.com for more info.
About your instructor:
Anette Skoog is a D.V.M, Gotland Sheep Breeder, Scandinavian skinnfell maker and fiber artist.
She works with sheepskin and veg-tanned leather to create both wearable and decorative items. Learning the handcraft techniques in her country of origin, Sweden, she found it important to preserve and use the old hand-sewing and wood block printing techniques to get the right finish. Her signature work, large sheepskin coverlets with printed and painted patterns are all inspired by the Scandinavian tradition. Anette has shown her work in many judged fine art & craft exhibitions and shows around the United States, including the American Craft Council show, Baltimore, Winter Park Art Festival, Florida and One of A Kind, Chicago. She won several awards for her work including at the New York Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck. She has worked with furniture and fashion designers, to create interior design and wearable one-of-a-kind pieces made of Gotland pelts.
Her interest for sheep, wool and handcraft has brought her to many locations around U.S.A with an increasing number of classes held each year. Anette enjoys teaching new skills to others and wants to bring passion and enthusiasm for traditional handcraft to her student´s.