We are proud to introduce the first 100% Gotland Sheep in USA!
Our efforts to import embryos based on our Swedish Ervalla bloodlines have reached the goal of bringing
100% genetics to the United States. Starting 2008 with careful selection of the best Gotland sheep genetics, our flock has been able to provide ewes and rams of top quality to create a solid foundation for the future Gotlands in USA. Our breeding goals are aligned with the Swedish breed standard and our lambs are all evaluated at 110 days of age. Selection is made to preserve and enhance the most important characteristics of a true Gotland, high growth gain, great body conformation and the fantastic silvergrey wool only Gotlands can give. This is the starting point for a new journey with the Gotland Sheep in USA and creates big opportunities for the future. With a high, more unifrom wool quality, breeders will be able to market and sell sheep and wool products to a higher price which in turn will have a positive impact on breed development in this country.